最後に更新:12/06/19 | 2019年12月6日
第二に、航空会社の燃料の価格は大幅に上昇しました。 1996年に、航空会社の燃料はガロンあたり0.55ドルでした。今では、ガロンあたり1.95ドルです。航空会社はその増加のすべてを吸収できないため、その一部を消費者に伝えて、より高い運賃につながります。
飛行機が少なくなり、競争が少なく、容量が多いため、航空会社はチケットに対してより多くの料金を請求できます。それらを止めるものは何もありませんし、価格を下げる必要はありません。ユナイテッドCEOのジェフ・スミセックは、今だけで航空運賃が適切に価格設定されていると言いました。 CEOにそのようなことを言っているとき、それは価格がもう下がっていないことを意味します。
Farecompare.comのRick Seaneyによると、「2008年以前は、物事は乗客に有利でした。 2009年の危機の後、司法の規模は航空会社に向かって傾いていました。」
航空会社は、飛行機を埋めて最大の収益を得るためにチケットの価格を絶えず変更することにより、負荷率を管理する傾向があります。米国の国内便では、e might be 10–15 different price points, according to Rick Seaney.
If the load factor is low and demand is low, an airline will increase the availability of cheap fares. If the load factor is high and demand is high, the airline will raise prices.
In the airline industry, there are two types of passengers: business travelers and leisure passengers. business travelers are flexible on price (the boss is paying) but not on dates. leisure travelers aren’t flexible on price (the cheaper, the better) but are on dates.
Airlines are constantly trying to strike a balance between these two types so they can make a profit. Why fly a plane full of cheap fares when you can get people to pay more?
Airlines know that a certain number of people will book far in advance if they can find a decent price. Airlines also know that they need to hold a certain number of seats for business travelers who will book last-minute and pay more. Ticket prices jump up and down based on the demand for seats from these two types of passengers.
As Scott Mayerowitz, airline reporter for the Associated Press, says,
To maximize their profit, airlines developed sophisticated computer systems that constantly compare booking trends to past sales history. If tickets are selling faster than in the past, the price rises. If a competitor raises fares, the airline will probably raise theirs too.”
How Do You get cheap Fares?
I remember the days when I got excited over $500 fares to Europe. Now, with prices typically around $1,000, I get excited over $750 round-trip fares. (“Yay!” I say sarcastically.)
It’s not impossible to find a cheap ticket. There are many, many ways to find cheap airfare, and while I go into incredible detail in this other post, here are some basic pointers:
To avoid being the person who paid the most for their ticket, you need to be flexible. As I said, airlines are constantly changing prices and trying to balance leisure and business travelers; they’ll do their best to avoid having customers pay the lowest price point.
“About three months before, airlines start to manage those bottom price points,” Rick says. That means airlines begin to look at historical trends and current seat sales to figure out whether they will release those really rock-bottom fares or keep prices high.
If you’re booking inside a month, you’re playing into the airline’s hand. As Rick pointed out to me, most tickets are sold within 30 days of departure. Booking that late is a bad idea. At that point, airlines know they have you. When your dates are no longer flexible, you’ll pay whatever they charge.
To quote Scott again:
The days of routinely flying from new York to San Francisco for $99 each way are long gone. That said, there are occasional fare wars when airlines like Virgin America or Spirit enter a new market. Airlines will also still deeply discount flights when traffic is low, such as winter flights to Europe. The catch is: travelers need to be flexible about when they fly. ITA Software’s airfare search provides a calendar of the lowest fares on given routes. It’s a great way to find the best fares if you have some flexibility.”
While there are many other tricks to reduce the cost of your ticket, the main two are flexibility and flying when demand is low. That means flying mid-week, taking early-morning or late-night flights, and avoiding flying on Monday, Friday, or Sunday.
The days of cheap airfares are long over. They aren’t coming back, and the prices you see now are the new normal for airline tickets. They are simply going to cost a lot more, especially if you don’t find the sweet spot when prices are their lowest. but by understanding how tickets are priced, you can avoid being the person who paid the most.
Now that you know why flights are expensive, learn how you can get cheaper flights than the person sitting next to you:
10 ways to get cheap Flights
How to use airline credit Cards for free Flights
How I search for airline Tickets
私のニューヨークタイムズのベストセラーペーパーバックガイドワールドトラベルは、旅行の芸術を習得する方法を教えてくれます。 BBCが「予算旅行者の聖書」と呼んだのは、あなたのAからZ計画ガイドです。
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旅行中に使用できる最高の企業については、私のリソースページをご覧ください。 旅行中に使用するものすべてをリストします。 彼らは授業で最高であり、あなたの旅行でそれらを使用して間違いを犯すことはできません。
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